We guarantee correct booking of submitted accounting documents on a monthly or quarterly basis. We will set up frequency of document administration according to your individual needs.

Based on an agreement with the client, we will propose, compile and submit various reports for better overview of the current state of your company.

We will process financial statements in accordance with all the requirements after the accounting period. We will process financial statements on request and submit the necessary documents to you.

We will make sure that invoices which you issue fulfill all the requirements regarding tax documents. In this way, you will avoid errors that companies often make when issuing invoices for foreign business partners.

We will check whether tax documents submitted by you fulfill the given requirements. If they don’t, we will notify you or we will directly contact the supplier and request correction.

    Your personal data will be used solely for the purpose of resolving your query.

      Your personal data will be used solely for the purpose of resolving your query.